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IMCAS 2025: Galderma’s Broad Presence and New Data on Recently Launched Products Restylane® SHAYPE™ and Relfydess® Reaffirm Its Category Leadership

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IMCAS 2025: Galderma’s Broad Presence and New Data on Recently Launched Products Restylane® SHAYPE™ and Relfydess® Reaffirm Its Category Leadership

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Responsabilità editoriale di Business Wire

23 gennaio 2025, 07:00

Business Wire

  • Galderma will present new data on Relfydess (RelabotulinumtoxinA) – the first and only ready-to-use liquid neuromodulator created using PEARL™ Technology, which has now launched in multiple countries in Europe – including results from the phase IIIb RELAX trial, reinforcing its long-term efficacy and high patient satisfaction, as seen in the READY clinical trial program 1-7
  • New data on Sculptra ® , the first proven regenerative biostimulator, emphasize its regenerative properties and effect across all three skin layers, including in comparison to other biostimulators 8-12
  • Recent data from the Restylane portfolio highlight its ability to preserve naturalness of facial expressions and reveal that the new hyaluronic acid (HA)-injectable Restylane SHAYPE, powered by Galderma’s innovative NASHA HD™ Technology, has the highest G-prime among commonly used HA-fillers 13,14
  • These data, combined with three symposia, a Masterclass on addressing the aesthetic impact of medication-driven weight loss on the skin, and several Meet the Expert sessions, once again showcase and differentiate Galderma’s broad and clinically proven portfolio, setting it apart as the pure-play category leader in dermatology

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