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Enit, in 2025 we expect record tourism numbers like last year

Enit, in 2025 we expect record tourism numbers like last year

CEO Jelinic in Madrid for Fitur, 'plus now comes the Jubilee'

22 January 2025, 15:33

ANSA English Desk



Italy expects the tourism sector to perform in 2025 "with approximately the same numbers" as the "record" numbers recorded in 2024, Ivana Jelinic, managing director of the National Tourism Agency (Enit), told ANSA during the opening of the Fitur international trade fair in Madrid. An appointment in which the Italian tourism agency is participating with a 445-square-metre stand hosting several Italian territorial representatives (the regions of Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Marche, Sicily, Tuscany and Veneto and the municipality of Naples), as well as the Republic of San Marino, Ita Airways and 17 private companies.
    In the year just ended, Jelinic added, 'Italy was at the top of the charts in terms of liking and choice'. While waiting for the definitive numbers, including December's performance, the most recent estimate, provided by the Centro Studi Turistici di Firenze for Assoturismo, speaks of 458.5 million presences in total, of which 251.5 million by foreign visitors, and 72.1 million tourist arrivals from abroad. "In 2025, in addition, there is the Jubilee, and then in 2026 there will be the Winter Olympics. So we expect this to be a really very good phase for Italian tourism,' explained the Enit CEO.
    Earlier today, Jelinic attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Italian stand at Fitur, accompanied by the Italian ambassador to Spain, Giuseppe Buccino Grimaldi. "Fitur, as well as the recent Fruit Attraction, is definitely a success," the latter commented. "Italy is participating very strongly, at Fitur with Enit and at Fruit Attraction with Ice (Italian trade agency). There is a double value: a value certainly of Italian presence here, but also a value of negotiations, of agreements that are concluded,' he added. 156 countries, 9,500 companies and 153,000 tourism professionals are attending the event. The organisers expect more than 250 thousand visitors.


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