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Italian Space Day in Stockholm

Italian Space Day in Stockholm

Organised by the Italian Embassy and the Wallenberg centre

ROMA, 21 January 2025, 16:22

ANSA English Desk



The many opportunities for scientific and industrial collaboration in space between Italy and Sweden were the focus of the Italian Space Day organised in Stockholm by the Italian Embassy's Science Office and the Wallenberg Centre of the Swedish capital's School of Economics.
    The Day, instituted by the Italian Government from 2021 and celebrated in various ways by Italian embassies around the world, opened in Stockholm with the presentation of a scientific contribution by Italian astrophysicist Patrizia Caraveo and continued at the Embassy where a meeting was held on the opportunities for collaboration in the space sphere in the presence of various Italian and Swedish experts.
    Cooperation between Italy and Sweden in the space sector, a scientific, technological and economic sector that today offers extraordinary opportunities," the embassy recalled in a note, "began many years ago with the development of the instrumentation for the BepiColombo mission, the first European mission to Mercury, and has continued with many other scientific missions with balloons and launches at the Swedish base of Esrange in Kiruna, such as the recent one of the MiniIrene space capsule, a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
    Ambassador Michele Pala expressed particular satisfaction with this initiative in a sector that represents a priority for our country and that can truly characterise the quality and intensity of bilateral relations in the scientific and industrial sphere, also in relation to Sweden's recent entry into the NATO community.
    Subsequently, at the Italian Embassy in Stockholm, again in collaboration with the Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Center for Innovation and Sustainable Business Development, a meeting was held between experts from the two countries on collaboration opportunities in this sector.


Not to be missed


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