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Alberti takes office as Italian Ambassador in Tirana

Alberti takes office as Italian Ambassador in Tirana

This was announced by the Farnesina

ROMA, 20 January 2025, 14:16

ANSA English Desk



Marco Alberti took office today as Italy's ambassador to Tirana. This was announced by the Farnesina.
    Born in Bukavu (Zaire) on 25 May 1972, he graduated in Law at the University of Bologna in 1996.
    In diplomacy since 2000, he began his career in the secretariat of the undersecretary of state for foreign affairs, dealing with Latin America, multilateral organisations and the internationalisation of SMEs.
    Subsequently, he served in the Political Bureau of the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires (2003-2008), the Consulate General in New York (2008-2011) and the Press and Communication Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011-2012). From 2012 to 2021 he is seconded as Head of International Affairs at Enel, where he takes care, with increasing responsibilities, of various aspects of growth diplomacy, gaining managerial experience in energy and environmental matters.
    In 2021 he is appointed Italian Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In 2025 he takes up the post of ambassador to the Republic of Albania. In 2013, he was awarded the Knighthood of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.
    Married with three children, he is the author of the book 'Open Diplomacy', dedicated to economic diplomacy and new paths of public-private collaboration.


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