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Rossellini says wd like to share honour with parents

Rossellini says wd like to share honour with parents

Pays tribute to David Lynch, 'in Sister Agnes all my past'

ROME, 23 January 2025, 16:19

ANSA English Desk



Isabella Rossellini said after receiving an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress in Conclave Thursday that she would like to share the honour with her parents Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini.
    "When I was young, I was always identified as the daughter of Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini," said the 72-year-old daughter of the great Swedish born actress and Italian directing legend.
    "Now that I'm older, this happens less frequently; and I miss it, especially today.
    "I wish my parents were alive to celebrate this great honour with me".
    Isabella also paid tribute to David Lynch, the cult director of Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive who died a few days ago and to whom she was linked in a romantic relationship for several years and also by important professional collaborations: "Today, with this joy, my mind cannot help but wander further, towards David.
    Our collaboration was fundamental to my understanding of the art of acting".
    Rossellini said that her past, "everything that I have inside me, I brought to my performance as Sister Agnes in the film Conclave, working under the clear and incisive direction of Edward Berger, with his incredible cast and crew, especially the incomparable Ralph Fiennes."


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