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Mattarella says Luna Rossa thrilling

Mattarella says Luna Rossa thrilling

President hails connection between Italy and sailing

ROME, 23 January 2025, 14:59

ANSA English Desk



President Sergio Mattarella on Thursday met with a delegation of the Italian Sailing Federation, marking the 100th anniversary of its foundation and the Women's America's Cup and hailing Italy's Luna Russa's performance as thrilling.
    "Luna Rossa has always fascinated Italians", said the head of State, praising Italy's two gold medals in sailing at the Olympic Games in Paris last summer, in addition to the "medals and victories in the world championships and youth competitions".
    Sailing is a "movement in constant expansion and has great relevance in our country and abroad", he noted, adding that "the connection between Italy, the sea and sailing is deep geographically, historically and culturally, which is why many young people start sailing very soon and this is perhaps the federation's greatest success".
    Mattarella also said that following Luna Rossa's performances was "thrilling and extremely captivating, proof that a healthy and authentic relationship with nature allows to deal with the most advanced technology".
    Last October, Italy's Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli beat Britain's Athena Pathway to win the inaugural Puig Women's America's Cup.


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