The government has been tasked with
adopting, within the 24 months after a framework law to enable
Italy to return to nuclear power comes into force, one or more
decrees regulating the production of energy from sustainable
nuclear sources, the dismantling of existing plants and the
management of waste, among others, as part of a bill drafted by
the environment ministry and released on Thursday.
The bill, which also features the establishment of a nuclear
control agency, is set to be discussed at the next government
meeting, Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin has
It should be approved by the cabinet by the end of this month.
Once the legislation is approved by parliament, the government
will need to issue the executive decrees.
Italy abandoned nuclear power following a referendum in the wake
of the Chernobyl disaster but the government plans to return to
atomic energy with small latest-generation reactors.
"The government is tasked with adopting, within 24 months after
the present law comes into force, one or more legislative
decrees to discipline the production of energy from a
sustainable nuclear sources on the national territory, also to
produce hydrogen, the deactivation and dismantling of existing
plants, the management of radioactive waste and of nuclear fuel
waste, research, the development and use of fusion energy, as
well as the reorganization of expertise and tasks", according to
the draft framework legislation.
The decrees will also need to adapt national legislation to
European Union laws and international agreements, as well as
regulate the dismantling of existing nuclear installations in
Italy which will not be needed for research purposes.
In addition, the decrees will need to establish, among others,
where the new nuclear plants will be built.