Premier Giorgia Meloni on Thursday
said her government was among the five most long-lived
executives in the history of the Italian Republic in a post on
social media.
She also said a reform to introduce the direct election of the
premier by the Italian people was key for Italy's stability and
"In the 79 years of republican history, Italy has had as many as
68 governments, today we are fifth for longevity, which means we
have climbed 63 positions in about 127 weeks of government, a
result that I want to share to thank the many citizens who
continue to support us and who give us the strength to move
forward with determination", said the premier.
"After two and a half years, we still have the support of the
majority of citizens, which is not obvious, and the majority is
still united, which is perhaps even less obvious", added Meloni.
Meloni went on to say that the she considers as "fundamental for
Italy the premiership reform that is making progress in
Parliament because it does two essential things: it gives back
to citizens full power to choose by whom they want to be
governed and guarantees that those who are chosen have the time
to accomplish the mandate they have received".
"In this way, it will finally be possible to give continuity to
long-term strategies and build a stronger, more influential and
more competitive Italy", the premier also said on social media.
"It is not a reform we are making for this government but for
the governments to come", she stressed.