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Amoroso new president of the Constitutional Court

Amoroso new president of the Constitutional Court

Elected by the Cassation Court, he will succeed Augusto Barbera

ROME, 21 January 2025, 12:38

ANSA English Desk



Giovanni Amoroso, 76, is the new president of the Constitutional Court.
    His predecessor Augusto Barbera's term as president of the top court expired on December 21 last year.
    Amoroso, who was born in Mercato San Severino near Salerno on March 30 1949, was elected on Tuesday by Italy's supreme Cassation Court.
    The newly elected president's mandate will end on November 13 2026.
    Amoroso served as the court's interim president after the end of Barbera's mandate.
    He was elected Constitutional Court judge by the Court of Cassation on October 26 2017 and was sworn in on November 13 that year.
    He served as vice president of the court since December 12 2023.
    After his election on Tuesday, Amoroso told a press conference that his "commitment will be absolute" and that he will serve "with discipline and honour, as required by article 54 of the Constitution".
    He told reporters that he had no program to outline as president because the "Court is a deeply collegial body" and the "Court's compass is the Constitution" and Europe its "polar star".
    Amoroso also told reporters that the "Court is not impaired even with 11 judges", discussing a stalemate in Parliament over the lack of an agreement on the appointment of four Constitutional Court members.
    "Parliament has in the past chosen excellent judges", he said, adding that he expects top level judges to be chosen as the new members of the court.
    He recalled the value of previous court members including the outgoing president Barbera and Silvana Sciarra.
    The newly elected president also discussed legislation bringing in 'differentiated autonomy' to enable regions to request more power over how the tax revenues collected in their areas are spent after the Constitutional Court on Monday declared inadmissible a referendum for its complete abrogation.
    Speaking about one of the issues that the Constitutional Court ruled late last year were "illegitimate" and needed to be corrected - which concerns the legitimacy of the minimum levels of service (LEPs) that must be provided by all regions nationwide being updated via a decree issued by the premier - Amoroso highlighted the "need for the legislator to intervene and determine the criteria for LEPs".
    "There is no possibility of determining LEPs without the intervention of the legislator", he said, adding that members of parliament also needed to intervene on issues unrelated to LEps concerning the "attribution of specific functions" for regions as part of the legislation.
    And Amoroso also commented on a controversial Constitutional reform bill to separate the career paths of magistrates and change the judiciary's self-governing body which has pitted the executive parts of the judiciary saying "it is not beneficial for the country if there is a situation that is not of conflict but of non-harmony.
    "The existence of various fronts does not benefit the country's serenity.
    "But here the Court has a specific role.
    "This belongs to politics.
    "The Constitutional Court controls the constitutionality of laws", said its new president, discussing the opposition of parts of the judiciary to the judicial reform.
    Premier Giorgia Meloni, as is customary, called Amoroso to congratulate him after his election.
    The premier wished him well in his new role, well-informed sources said.


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