Dantedì 2025 in Skopje offered a valuable moment of reflection and cultural enrichment thanks to a conference held by Professor Silvia Tatti, ordinary professor at La Sapienza University of Rome, on the theme "Dante and exile".
The event, organised by the Faculty of Philology 'Blaze Koneski' of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Skopje in cooperation with the Italian Embassy, was introduced by Professor Anastasija Gjurcinova, head of the Department of Italianistics. This was followed by greetings from the Italian Ambassador, Paolo Palminteri, and Prof. Vladimir Martinovski, Dean of the Faculty of Philology.
Professor Tatti - the Embassy reported in a note - then went on to discuss the relevance of exile in Dante's literature, life and work. Forced to leave his beloved hometown and his community, the poet transforms his painful condition of exile into a path of inner growth and acquisition of wisdom, sublimating it in Paradise, where he ennobles his experience and redeems his history as an outcast, achieving eternal salvation.
The lecture was attended by students and lecturers from the Department of Italianistics of the Faculty of Philology, together with colleagues connected from Goce Delcev University in Shtip. The meeting concluded with a debate that allowed the speaker to discuss a number of issues.
Also today, Ambassador Palminteri handed over to the Department of Italianistics a precious contribution of books on fiction, linguistics and didactics of the Italian language, made possible thanks to the support of Maeci. This donation will further enrich the educational offer of the University, which represents a historical reference point for the teaching of Italian in North Macedonia and boasts a long and fruitful cooperation relationship with the Embassy.