Three more workers died as a spate of
fatal workplace accidents in Italy continued between Monday
evening and Tuesday morning.
In the first case on Monday night, a 50-year-old, Nicola
Sicignano, died during his work shift at a waste disposal firm
in the town of Sant'Antonio Abate near Naples.
According to an initial reconstruction, which still needs to be
verified, the worker's head and an arm remained trapped in a
conveyor belt.
The area was seized as Carabinieri police from the Companies of
Castellammare di Stabia and Torre Annunziata investigate the
death together with labour inspectors and the ASL health
authority in Naples.
In the second case, a 22-year-old from Vajont near Pordenone,
died instantly at around 1:30 am on Tuesday after he was
accidentally stabbed in the back by an incandescent splinter
while he was working on a machine to print industrial gear.
Carabinieri police are investigating the death and have seized
the plant.
Meanwhile in the most recent fatality on Tuesday morning, a
38-year-old was run over and killed by a lorry while he was
carrying out maintenance work on the A1 highway near Orvieto.
Orvieto road police are probing this latest death.
Italy is enduring a long spate of accidental workplace deaths.
Workplace deaths were up 34% in Italy in January compared to
January 2024, according to the latest data released by workplace
accident insurance agency INAIL.
The number of such fatalities was 45, 12 more than the 33
registered a year ago, it said.
The national labour accidents and occupational illness agency
also said the number of fatal work-related accidents had
increased to 797 in 2024 compared to the 790 recorded in 2023.
The increase in work-related deaths was mainly recorded in the
industrial sector and in services , up to 669 from 686, while
those in agriculture dropped from 107 to 102.
Overall, the highest number of fatalities on the job were
registered in the construction sector with 156 cases, transport
and warehouse storage with 111 cases, manufacturing with 101
cases, trade with 58, rental and business support services with
38, INAIL said.